Disinfecting Trio



Fun fact: each square inch of your cell phone contains roughly 25,000 germs making it one of the filthiest things you come in contact with on a daily basis. That’s something to think about the next time you press your face to your phone.


Is your phone sitting on your desk right now? Studies prove that your desk harbors nearly 430 times the amount of germs your office toilet seat carries and those germs transfer to your phone. But even if your phone is tucked safely in your pocket, you most likely brought your phone in the bathroom today (because 75 percent of us use our phones in there), and then you touched your phone… And as we use our phones frequently it remains warm, creating the ideal breeding ground for bacteria.


Nobody ever cleans or disinfects their phone, so the germs and bacteria just keep building up. What types of germs? E. coli, as well as influenza and MRSA, a germ that causes skin infections. Researchers found that 94.5 percent of the phones were contaminated with some kind of bacteria, many of which were resistant to multiple antibiotics. Add to that – a significant number of germs were transferred from people’s hands to their phones, and vice versa. In fact, about 30 percent of the bacteria on the phones ended up on the owner’s hands. Much of the disease-causing bacteria they found are transferred from person to person through touch, which means that once this bacteria is on your hands, you only have to then touch your eyes or nose for the bacteria to find an easy route into your body. This is especially frightening when you consider how often your phone hangs out only millimeters away from your face. A frequent cleaning of your phone with our DIRTY TALK and a quick squirt of HAPPY HANDS will keep you safe!




Happy Hands Hand Sanitizer goes beyond typical hand cleaners thanks to the addition of powerful germ fighting essential oils such as tea tree, cinnamon, lemon and orange. Lasts a long time, not sticky or greasy, plus it smells great too!




Great for visits to the hospital, nursing homes, workplaces, cars, hotels and even your own home.


Several essential oils have been documented in scientific studies to reduce and kill airborne bacteria and viruses when diffused into the air. Study findings reported that cinnamon bark oil and lemongrass oil significantly disinfected the air when diffused into the air. Tea tree and eucalyptus essential oils killed airborne influenza viruses when diffused into the air.


There is an impressive study on antibiotic resistant bacteria including MRSA and the results of diffusing essential oils of geranium and lemongrass into the air. There is a study on the benefits of eucalyptus oil inhalation against airborne tuberculosis bacteria. Yet another study on eucalyptus oil reports on its broad spectrum antimicrobial action, as well as its benefits for inhalation on respiratory problems like bronchitis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Our CLEAR THE AIR blend combines the benefits of several different well-documented antibacterial essential oils into a single, safe and easy to use mixture.

To read the studies

Pick up the entire life-saving trio – $30.00

  • Dirty Talk Cell Phone Disinfectant
  • Clear the Air – Disinfecting Room Spray
  • Happy Hands – Amped Up Hand Sanitizer

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